ALLMI Accredited Training

“The Association of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers (ALLMI), founded in 1978 at the request of the
Health and Safety Executive, and remains today as the UK’s only Trade Association devoted exclusively to the
lorry loader industry.”


The Association of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers (ALLMI) was founded in 1978 at the request of the Health and Safety Executive, and it remains today as the UK’s only Trade Association devoted exclusively to the lorry loader industry.

ALLMI Training

ALLMI runs a training accreditation service and standards body for the lorry loader industry. The aim of ALLMI training is to raise the standard of lorry loader operators and instructors throughout the UK. This is achieved by providing a comprehensive training programme for operators of lorry loaders as well as accreditation for instructors.

ALLMI’s objectives with regard to training are:

  • To ensure that standards and qualifications for all instructors are in place, consistent and maintained.
  • To ensure that all operators receive sufficient quality of training to be able to operate a lorry loader in a safe and efficient manner.
  • To offer a competitive and nationally recognised training programme for instructors and operators of lorry loaders.

ALLMI is the only organisation in the UK to be devoted exclusively to lorry loaders and because of this, it delivers the highest level of training standards within this specialist area. Its training scheme is supported by the UK’s loader crane manufacturers and importers and is commended by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Representatives from these organisations sit on the ALLMI Training Standards Committee, which develops and maintains the training scheme – Click here to see the ALLMI Training Standards Committee page.

The ALLMI training programme is designed to meet employers’ and employees’ responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, as well as the requirements of all other legislation relating to the operation of lorry loaders.

ALLMI training is the UK’s only lorry loader training programme to be commended by the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Please click here for further information on ALLMI’s HSE commendation.

ALLMI training is also recognised by Build UK and approved by CSCS.

What We Offer

SMC Training Service Ltd are able to offer potential/existing lorry loader operators the ALLMI (The Association of Lorry Loader Manufacturers and Importers), training scheme. This is either a 1 or 2-day course. 1 day for experienced or refresher, 2-day courses for novices or inexperienced candidate’s.

We can also offer an ALLMI Slinger/Signaller 1 or 2-day course. 1 day for experienced or refresher, 2-day courses for novices or inexperienced candidate’s.

The ALLMI training programme is designed to meet employers and employees’ responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and all other legislation relating to the operation of lorry loaders.

The course content will include: –

  • Health & Safety legislation (PUWER 98 & LOLER 98)
  • Components of a lorry loader, such as various types of crane, working components and rated capacities
  • Daily Pre-Operational checks and maintenance, responsibilities between employer/employee and how to correctly check the loader using a check list
  • Lorry loader attachments and slinging, various attachments used such as hooks, brick grabs etc. Slinging includes marking, inspecting, lifting, positioning and signalling
  • Siting of a lorry loader, how various working conditions affect the lorry loader.
  • Setting up and preparing a lorry loader for use, to include correct settings of the PTO, using the outriggers and stability footprints
  • General operating safety rules, various rules associated with the safe operation of the loader
  • Closing down and stowing for transport procedures, ensuring the loader is in the safe travelling position and secured correctly before travelling

Operators must complete two assessments which will include a theoretical and a practical assessment.

Candidates must pass all elements of assessment to be successful overall.

Upon successful completion of the course operators will receive a certificate and ALLMI photo id card. 

Call To Discuss Your ALLMI Training Needs:

07870 901167 / 01803 844022


Does my ALLMI operator card cover me as a CPCS operator card?
No. ALLMI and CPCS have formed an agreement that will provide ALLMI trained operators with a route to the CPCS card. This agreement allows anyone holding a current ALLMI card to apply for a blue, CPCS “Competence Card”, proved they have passed the Construction Skills Health & Safety touch screen test within the last two years.

Therefore: ALLMI Card + Construction Skills Health & Safety touch screen test = Blue CPCS competence card.

Contact Us

13 + 8 =

07870 901167

01803 844022

Registered Office: 7a Dartmouth Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 5AA